Farwiza Farhan is a well-known conservationist in Indonesia that is breaking all stereotypes in a conservative Islamic society. From the way she dresses and behaves to her innovative approaches towards conservation, Farwiza has become an iconic inspiring model to women (and men) in her society and in the world-wide arena of conservation.

This film narrates the huge efforts of Farwiza and her ranger´s team to preserve a fragile ecosystem in Indonesia. But, beyond that, this documentary also shows how wives and husbands work hand-in-hand to make sure that the forests where they live in remain a legacy for their future generations.



G Igor Georgia -

Echoes from the
Himalayas - Nepal

The Caravan of joy and
South Africa


The trailer of

Echoes from the Himalayas

Filmed in Nepal

Pushpa, the first ethnomusicologist of Nepal, is exploring every corner of the Himalayas in search of the most ancestral music in her country.

The trailer of

Painting the Walled City of Lahore

Filmed in Pakistan

Zerka is transforming a red light area of Lahore, Pakistan, and bringing light where there were shadows before.

The trailer of

G for Georgia

Filmed in Georgia

Five inspiring women are transforming Georgia, steering the country towards modern times in the most colorful way.

The trailer of

El Laboratorio del Espíritu

Filmed in Colombia

Gloria and Mirella, victims of the war against Pablo Escobar, are nowadays revolutionizing the way young people in Medellín live.

The trailer of

Two Trains

Filmed in India

Hasina Kharbhih is an Indian activist that has risked her life since the age of 17 to free women and children from human trafficking.

The trailer of

The Caravan of Joy & Tears

Filmed in South Africa

Ncazelo worked for Nelson Mandela and is now using extraordinary approaches to help entire communities combat gender-based violence.